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Customized Web Marketing Strategies for YOUR Business
The Rules Have Changed...
Your job is producing results using a Web presence. This technology has changed your customers' buying behaviors, and your business needs to adapt to this new search engine marketing environment.
How visible is your company in the Google search ecosystem? Can your customers "find" your products and services on the Web? Is your metadata effective? Are you monitoring social media websites? Is there a gap between your marketing department and your web developers? Who is responsible for generating metadata content? Can your management find the information they need to run the business? A Findability Audit provides an outside perspective.
Do prospects and customers understand your Unique Selling Proposition? How are your positioned against competitors, both direct and indirect? Do your competitors have a more effective Web presence? Have they adopted Web 2.0 technologies? Do they have a strong social media presence? A Competitive Audit clarifies positioning and messaging.
Are online and search engine marketing key strategies for your business? Should you be using social media and Web 2.0 technologies, but can't decipher the jargon? Seeking new markets for existing products? Looking for additional channels distribution? A Market Audit will identify opportunities.
What's changed in the TECHNOLOGY?
Traditional marketing has been supplemented by the new set of Web tools. Direct marketing now includes email marketing. Search engine marketing uses pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, search engine optimization (SEO), banner ads, and more recently video ads. There's a new world of social media, in the new technologies of blogs, wikis, RSS feeds, social media and user generated content.
Understanding what each of these technologies can do for YOUR business isn't easy. Technically, each of these technologies is relatively straight forward. But understanding their business impact is more complicated, requiring an understanding of the strategies for your organization and your customer profile.
Who needs an "Outsider" View?
You have a business to run, and need results from your web presence. But which Web 2.0 and search technologies will produce profits for YOUR business? Deciding which ones to implement is more than a technical decision by your IT department. You need a business professional with broad industry experience to evaluate your current situation, then provide recommendations that are workable and affordable.
Markets vary. Content is more difficult to manage than software. Organizations have different infrastructures. You need an outsider with real life implementation experience to provide perspective.
For over 15 years, Jean Bedord has worked with companies and leading search technologies as companies have migrated their businesses to commercial and web search engines. She is located in Silicon Valley, home of leading edge technologies, providing a unique perspective in understanding and evaluating emerging technologies.Typical engagements are with:
- Business owners, publishers and content producers
- Content and search engine technology vendors
- Organizations using site search, aka enterprise search, to engage customers
What is a typical engagement?
- Initial requirements assessment to understand YOUR strategic needs.
- Findability, competitive or market audits for YOUR products and services, with recommendations.
- Executive briefings and evaluation of social media and Web 2.0 technologies for YOUR business
- Topic research and opinion, as well as online seminars and live presentations
- Ongoing strategic support on a retainer basis
Contact NOW at:
phone: 408-257-9221
email: jean AT EContentStrategies DOT com